Saturday, March 27, 2010


This past week...Alexandrea and I meet some dear friends of ours at Magic Wings...It is a great place to bring the family...please dress appropriately...very very hot...Alex's cheeks were red the whole time there...she couldn't get enough of all of the different paths there were inside the exhibit...and she had to walk down all of them...many times...I was unable to get a picture of her with a butterfly...she would not sit still long enough...but when the bird came out...she STOPPED in her tracks...great...the one animal both me and Kenny don't really care for...she LOVED....

p.s.....she was saying 'tweet tweet' the birdie....

1 comment:

Joanne said...

LOL, I love that she loves the bird...that is so funny! The first of many times she'll go against ya!